Tag : supplies

9 posts

Welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday. The only post I seem to do lately.

new H mug

One of the teachers I work with surprised me with this H mug last week, It’s so pretty and holds a copious amount of hot beverage.

new H mug

I was admiring the new to me ledger. It will provide me with lots of great background papers and junk journal pages. So cool!

new supplies

Speaking of supplies. I picked up some goodies at Michael’s on clearance. Super excited about my new supplies.

book stack

I have made one crafty item lately…this book stack home decor item. Makes me laugh every time I look at it!

What are you doing today?

Last Tuesday had me very introspective with my post. Throwing the words down and wading through them really helped me through what I was feeling. Your comments were also inspiring…so thank you for that!


At school, we often talk about growth vs fixed mindset. I think perhaps those lessons are rubbing off on me as well. Setting goals, developing a plan and not giving up when life throws a curveball. Honestly, these are things I have done in the past but I didn’t think critically about them until now.

So last week I talked myself through making a plan to set aside time to create. Guess what?  I did!

I had the bones of this junk journal project set aside…I just needed the time, drive and a few little tidbits to make it happen. Now that it’s done…I love it.  I’m planning to use it for bits and piece from everyday life, quotes, thoughts, etc.  I want to do a flip through at some point. What I really need to do is figure out YouTube and publish videos there and embed them in my posts. I think it would honestly be easier than the way I’ve been doing it.

In addition to making this junk journal, we had a flurry of activity on Saturday. Mini-me and I went to a local church rummage sale for bag day as we try to do each year. We spent a total of $16.50. Mini-me filled one reusable grocery bag mostly with clothes…$4. I filled one with clothes, craft supplies, and potential Halloween costumes…$4. The third bag was filled with books…$4.  In addition, we bought one super old arithmetic primer…$1 and a print for Mini-me’s room….$3.50

I only took photos of my lovely new crafty items. Look at that amazing box of trims!!

Saturday evening Mr. G’s brother messaged him saying that he was playing a gig in our neck of the woods. We quickly grabbed our things and headed out to hear him play the mandolin with the Roe Family Singers. It was a lovely but slightly chilly evening sitting on hay bales enjoying some bluegrass music.

Their aging corgi, Daisey, even made the trip. A good time was had by all.

We invited them back to our house after where I whipped together a few snacks and drinks since we haven’t seen them in a while. Sometimes the unplanned things are the most fun things!!

What are you doing today?

Welcome to T stands for Tuesday! Grab a cuppa and stay a while.

Over the weekend I got a little creative with an art journal page. You can see the details in the previous post.

But I really must tell you about last week!

I experienced the weirdest storm of my entire lifetime. We had a little bit of everything including a snow day on Thursday. This video pretty much nails the day right on the head. So funny!!!

And just to add a little more funny truth, I saw this…

Seriously…this happened Thursday.

Anyway….after moving a bunch of snow, I made a bunch more cards while catching up on some TV.I’m on a mission to use up some old supplies….use it or lose it! I found two boxes of small-ish blank greeting cards in white and ivory. I know I’ve had them for 20 years and hadn’t used more than 1/4 of the lot. Use it or lose it!!

The school year is winding down…sort of. Time is winding down but there are so many things that need to get packed into those days. While I am looking forward to summer and time off, I do actually enjoy the structure of going to work. As crazy as it sounds, I seem to get more done. Having that time constraint makes me more creative too. I’ve always been better with a looming deadline. Think about…you have company coming over in 2 days…oh I’ve got time to get everything done, no problem. Yet the last 2 hrs before company arrives you get more done than the last two days combined. Or maybe that’s just me?!?!

Mini-me and I made a costume for a competition she is doing for her French class. Three girls are performing a skit in French at the University of MN. Mini-me is a whale. We didn’t make a full costume but enough to portray her as whale like…think blowhole and fins.. I’ll have to snap a photo of her decked out before she leaves. I wish I could go and see it but its during the school day.

I’m reusing my Bulldog mug photo in celebration of the UMD Bulldog hockey team winning the national championship this year!

Tuesday is the usual fair for me this week…work and an errand on the way home.

What are you doing today?

Hello and welcome to another edition of T Stands for Tuesday!

Lately when its not frigid or snowing, I’ve been doing a bit of thrift store shopping. Mini-me has gone a few times as well. She has found some really awesome clothes for herself. Me…not so much in the clothing department but I have found some craft supplies and home decor items.

Such as this cute word pillow for the couch. I love it! 

I also picked up this lovely red tray and the craft supplies in it. Frankly I don’t know if I’ll use the cards as craft supplies but they were so cute and reminded me of my childhood. They were a must have for me.

Speaking of supplies…I finally finished the tea in this tin! I’ve been wanting to use the tin in my craft room as an organizer. Now if I could just remember my original intention for it. :)

Since today was a workshop day for teachers, Mini-me and I had the day off. Marvin was very confused. He likes routines. He spent the day taking turns following each of us around the house, curiously watching.

BTW–Mini-me did really great in her tournament over the weekend. She once again shot a personal best. A whole 21 points higher than the previous week. And get this…she shot left handed after shooting right handed for over a year.

You can see her shooting left on this side at the most recently…as opposed to right at all previous tournaments. Crazy huh? And yes, Mini-me has almost waist length hair.

Tuesday has work, archery (thrifting time for me) and an evening meeting. It’s going to be a long day!

What are you doing today?

Over the weekend I finally checked something off my perpetual to-do list that has been on it for far too long….a closet purge. I decided to through my closet with a realistic mind.  I had so many articles of clothing that hadn’t been worn in ages. They fell into several categories; out of style, doesn’t fit, not my style, and why do I even own this?

I have a tall kitchen bag full of shirts and skirts but several pieces had potential to be reused or re-purposed.

I decided to cut or tear out the usable crafting pieces. I love adding bits of fabric to my journals, collage cards and mixed media pieces.

There was a good mix of colors and textures.

I’m really excited to start piecing these together. The pink plaid is kind of bugging me in this photo if I’m honest. But the rest of it gives a real tropical 1980s feel. Bright, bold colors…totally 80s.  Like, totally!  (in your best Valleygirl impression)

That roll of lace is calling my name….I cut it from the bottom edge of a shirt that I think I only wore once. It just never fit right. I hate that! I should know better than to buy something just because I really like the look of it and ignore the fact it doesn’t really work. But at least I have some pretty lace now.

But seriously…so many fun bits of this and that.

Anyone notice my glass of water in keeping with the T stands for Tuesday rules? She’s there on the corner of the table. Have to keep hydrated in the winter.

There was a sweater in my original pile but I haven’t decided how I want to use it yet so it remains uncut. I was thinking about Christmas ornaments and decor. Also maybe boot cuffs or mittens. I also thought about trying to refashion it in some way. Since I am totally undecided it will go in with my sewing fabrics until a later date.

What are you doing today?

Last week I learned that having a washi obsession isn’t exactly front page news…and that it might be fun to share our collections.  Ok Eileen…you ready to share too?! 

Mini-me organized the tapes for me. I love how they look but have no patience to make it happen. Lucky for me she loves to both craft and organize. My paint drawer often gets a makeover as well. :)

This set of blue tapes I love!! A couple of them look like sun prints and one like shibori.

My black tapes get used a lot. They give that pop on a page or card that just helps me say “DONE”.

I love this bin as well. Bright yellows, orange. pink and red.

The polka dots in this bin have gotten a lot of use. I love polka dots! Did you notice the tape with the coffee cup and beans? I’m sure you’ll see that one again in a salute to T stands for Tuesday.

This last bin is random. Ones that didn’t physically fit or were just too colorful to categorize.

I guess it wasn’t quite as shameful as I thought. Mini-me likes to use washi in her smash book and also in her notes for school. I use it pretty much anywhere. If fact I’m putting together a new journal. More of a junk journal/smash book type idea. I plan to do more writing on a personal level. I’m not sure how much of it I will share here after I start using it to journal. 

I’m using random papers from my stash but keeping them in a Fall color scheme. I’m all about Fall right now. It is my favorite season.

I survived my first week of school. I had very tired feet a couple of days but have since toughened up. As expected I was able to accomplish way more while working than I ever thought I could.  Like starting the above journal. Learning at least 60 kids names and faces in 4 days. Paint and reupholster a vanity bench for Mini-me. Paint 2 shelves and candelabra….also Mini-me(I’ll have to share those projects later). Work 2.5 hours of concessions at a volleyball game after working all day.

Oh yeah and pull up my gardens.

after collecting my last harvest of the season.

Welp…now I’m tired…after recalling all those things.

What are you doing today?

Neighborhood that is.  Over the weekend one of our neighbors hosted a chili cook off.  Eight years ago the same family hosted a similar get together but our numbers have drastically changed in that time period. The majority of the kids are either gone off to college or working now…although we have added to the adult total with new families.


My white turkey chili was not the winner but I’m not at all sad. It was a fun day!

A couple days previous to the party I returned a scoring plate that I had borrowed form my crafty next door neighbor.  One of these days I actually finish the card I started using the board. Anyway…I never come away empty handed from her house. She has a vast network of folk that are always looking out for each other and trading this and that.


She had a huge bag of stamps for me to look through, bottle caps from a former co-worker that saves them for me and some tea her DIL didn’t want. Look at the awesome stamps! Can’t wait to play in an art journal with them. The Passion tea by Tazo is a favorite of mine. The Calm I’ll likely use for tea dyeing as I don’t care for chamomile but I do enjoy lemon!!

I’ve also been working on a couple…well, three, oh maybe four projects over the past couple of days. As soon as they come together I’ll be sure to share. To my T Tuesday gals…sorry I never made it around last week…Tuesday got away from me with numerous things including these….


Mini-me’s first season of competitive volleyball is done with the exception of the end of season banquet. Choir concert season has just begun for J. The concert was wonderful.  Did I mention they will be traveling to Manhattan in the spring to sing at Carnegie Hall!?!  So excited for them.

Today’s schedule has yet to be determined for me. It’s kind of nice to have a fairly blank slate for a change.

What are you doing today?

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