Tag : supplies

9 posts

Hey, it’s Tuesday…you know what that means… T stands for Tuesday_200I am so excited about the new supplies I ordered. I’ve had them on my wish list for quite some time. T Tuesday new suppliesI’m already having fun playing with them. Yesterday, I used my gelatos to create this background. So much fun!!

I’ve also used the bubbles stencil with some molding paste and sprays on the cover of my Watkins journal. Amazing what turns up when you start organizing.watkins coverwatkins cover

Look at the fun texture!! watkins coverwatkins cover

I used a vintage map of Hawaii as the first layer to cover the bright orange covers of the original cook book. Why Hawaii? you ask… Why not?!?!  I love the colors on the back…kind of wish it were the front. watkins journal

Here’s a little recap of the pages inside. It certainly was a quick little journal to fill.

While admiring my new supplies…I had a friend join me for tea….gracie

Oh so helpful cat when trying to work and get organized. “Here let me sit on your lap so you may have the privilege of petting me.”gracie

She’s not so happy to get her photo taken. Just look at that crabby face. Likely because I stopped petting to take the photo.

I’ve got grocery shopping on list today…

What are you doing today?

I picked up more art supplies at the thrift store recently. You wouldn’t believe how many rubber stamps they had. I’m trying to cut back myself but I just couldn’t pass up a few…especially since I had a 25% off coupon for the day.20140424_4633 I’ve already pulled the scrapbook paper off the canvas and have it ready for a painting of my own. I’m looking forward to playing with the bright colored embossing powder with the idea that’s bouncing around in my head…we’ll see if it turns out like I’m thinking. 20140424_4634I also picked up these paper craft magazines for inspiration. Mostly card making but color can be very inspirational as well. Seeing a card put together even if you don’t like the images themselves can still inspire.

Happy crafting…

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