Tag : tags

5 posts

My plan for the morning was to go for a walk immediately upon waking…the weather didn’t cooperate. Instead I made art.

The page on the right was the inside of a security envelope…I decided to do a gradient of color from light to dark blue. That, honestly, was my only plan or inspiration.  Next I added some random stamping to the background.

By this point I was starting to get an idea of the direction I was headed.

The gradient blue represented standing at the edge of the unknown…like the edge of the ocean. Nothing certain…endless possibilities. The branches are what I’m holding on to…my support. My stability.

I cut a tag from another chunk of masterboard. This piece had a scrap on which I had tested a compass stamp. It seemed fitting. There is guidance but really we just need to navigate our way through.

My current journaling has been really helping me express my feelings leading into the coming school year.

It’s all so unknown…uncharted…unpredictable and frightening. But here I am…standing bravely…ready to go support my kiddos at school the best way I know how.

Marvin gets credit for his supervisory role in our photo shoot.

Linking up with Art Journal Journey again for Alison’s theme of  Pockets and Tags.

Art Journal Journey

This page and the words I used are multi-layered in meaning.

First…I’m using a new journal in a new way. Junk journal being an art journal.

Secondly the words reflected how I am feeling about this new school year. Both my kids are doing college from their bedrooms, while I will be in the classroom 4 days a week and remote another day. A school year that no one can predict. Something to tell the grandkids some day…a long, long time from now. ;)

I layered up a couple of tags that were cut from masterboards. I love having pieces like that in my stash. They really make quick work of journal pages while adding depth and interest.

The ticket was a last minute addition…it’s my ticket to the new adventure ahead.

Linking up today with Art Journal Journey for Alison’s theme of Pockets and Tags.

Art Journal Journey

Who knew that inspiration could strike while randomly gluing bits and pieces of paper from the scrap bin. Seriously…this is too weird. I was feeling the need to craft something…anything. I had watched a couple of YouTube videos of folks making these insanely beautiful collaged papers. Of course, the bits and pieces that they used were amazing. Pieces that I wouldn’t be “just trying to use up”. But this thought got me to put paper and glue together.serendipity background beginnings

I started with a double-page spread from a children’s music book. I added bits of paper from my scrap bin until I was pleased or in this case…just “done” with this process.serendipity background

Not bad right…not super but workable. I added some washi tape, stamping, and stickers.

Next, I took the sheet to my guillotine cutter and needed to decide how to chop this up.

serendipity background

I decided on three postcards and several tags or perhaps journal cards.

I added some paint and embellishments to the postcards before adhering them to plain paper. I then ran them through the sewing machine to make sure everything stayed firmly together.

serendipity postcard

serendipity postcard

serendipity postcard

Super fun!serendipity background

These are the completed pieces that are ready to use. The gaps are still WIP. Not sure what I’ll do with them but that’s ok.

I had so much fun with this process that I made another collage sheet.serendipity background

I have 5 postcards and 2 tags with a fun springtime vibe.

I made this sheet on Saturday…before this happened on Sunday.Merry Eastergiving

SNOW!! What a crazy weather day. Mini-me and I decided that we should say “Merry Eastergiving” since the outside said Christmas, I was making a Thanksgiving style meal with turkey, all on Easter Sunday for just the 4 of us.

The card in the collage above was made by a sweet friend of mine.  She is a tremendous card maker. I’ve been sending more cards lately. A card in the mailbox is a tiny bit of joy I can send someone. Just getting a handwritten card by a real person these days is nearly cause for celebration. We need that these days.

Distance learning continues at our house…both on the teaching and learning ends of things. chromebook styleMy school issued Chromebook is getting a workout. Stickers optional but fun indeed.

What are you doing today?

We are temporary empty-nesters as my neighbor so perfectly phrased. The boy is off at college and the girl is traveling around Costa Rica. Crazy!

I’ve been keeping up with her through a few random texts and Snapchats…otherwise I’m using social media to see photos from their adventures.

Mini-me sent me this photo she took at the Irazú Volcano.

And this one of the La Fortuna waterfall. They rode horses to get to there then swam at the base. WOW!

Meanwhile in MN…we are watching the snow melt. :)

I am so excited that she has this opportunity..once in a lifetime.

AS far as myself…I’ve been knocking things off a todo list. Feels good. There just haven’t been enough hours in the day or week lately. I’ve been creating and experimenting with my supplies. I think these may become tags….or at least tag backgrounds…or starting pointsAnother thing on my list for this week is to clean up this chaos. I want to streamline and phase out some things that I really never use, are too old and junked to use or lets face it…never liked in the first place but hung on to it anyway.

It’s a big job but I think I’m up for the challenge.

Mini-me comes home on Thursday. Friday we leave for the state archery tournament. Well, at least she gets to sleep one night in her bed.

What are you doing today?

Last week after a small binge of creating a stash mini collage pieces for journals and cards I decided to make some tags as well. I was inspired after watching a YouTube video by The Mushroom Market. She created lovely tags to go in her journals with just leftover strips of paper layered up in a seemingly random fashion. It looked like great fun!

Since I’m not big on following rules or doing things exactly as I’ve been shown, I began to layer up papers from my scrap bucket. Different sizes and shapes…all glued down on a piece of glossy printer paper that had yellowed around the edge. Obviously not the greatest quality paper but I’m not complaining since it came in a gigantic lot of craft supplies I acquired several years back.

As with so many things I don’t have a true “before” photo of the uncut sheet. I get so caught up in what I’m doing that I completely forget to document the process.

But you get the idea of what the sheet looked like before I cut them apart, cut the corners and stitched the edges.

I think they are kind of fun. At any rate they used up some scraps and will be put to use as journal tags, gift tags or embellishments someday.

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