Tag : TIOT

5 posts

I did it! I finally got creative in the form of an art journal page.

through flowering gardens art journal page

It took me a few days to get it done but I did it. Ah makes me feel so much better knowing that given enough time, my muse is still there. Maybe she was just frozen.through flowering gardens art journal page

I honestly just kept grabbing things from my scrap bin and gluing them down onto some cardstock to get the ball rolling. Over the top I spread a bit of white paint to mute the wild background. Then I went back with teal and lime green. This combination of colors made me smile and almost forget how dang cold the basement was.through flowering gardens art journal page

This flower was created with layers of die-cut  book pages secured together with a large brad. I used various sprays until reaching the desired color. After it was completely dry I shaped the petals.

through flowering gardens art journal page

I used a little piece of my new Tim Holtz tissue up one side of the page. The butterfly and flower had me thinking spring along with the cheerful background color.

I’m hopeful that I can continue a bit of crafting here and there as the temperature seems to finally be getting warmer. Maybe then the basement won’t be so frigid.

cold early morning coffee x2

This was my Wednesday morning on the way to work. It was so cold. It’s also my early day. I had finished my cup of coffee I brought from home well before arriving at school. I had to stop in an grab a cup to go as well.  A two coffee morning for sure!

What are you doing today?
Also linking up with Try it on Tuesday for Go Green

Last week I found this image I’d printed ages ago…I knew immediately that it would become a focal point in an upcoming journal page.

Since I’ve been using the term “mop up paper” quite often lately I thought I’d share a bit of a process post to give visuals to my words.

This is where my page started. A sheet of blue copy paper 8.5 x 11 inches. I used a glue stick to adhere it to some lightweight card stock.

After the glue was dry I cut it down to my desired size of 7 x 7 inches. Next I got out craft paints and used my favorite tool…my fingers…to spread several colors of paint over the page.

Some of the colors are more transparent than others allowing the original color and marks to show through.

Look at that yummy texture…  I decided to let this air dry overnight instead of drying it with the heat gun.

Of course this is where my process failed…I totally forgot about the fact that I was taking photos step by step.

I used rubber stamps to create some background texture. The black ink harlequin was super subtle…I felt I needed a bit more color and shape. Since most of my stamp pads are pigment ink I used clear embossed powder to set the ink.

I also took the completed background to my sewing machine to stitch a funky border in black to contain everything.

Next I created some layers with paper and fabric to give an anchor to my image.

Last but not least was the words of wisdom to a little girl learning to tie shoes with her daddy’s shoes. I love that they are on the wrong feet too.

Not only am I linking up with Words to live by on Art Journal Journey guest hosted by yours truly….

Art Journal Journey

but I am also linking up with Try it on Tuesday for Make a Mark.




I just found out that I’ve been honored for this piece….

with a Spotlight 2018 from Try it on Tuesday.

That is simply wonderful! Thank you everyone at Try it on Tuesday!

It truly is one of my favorite art journal pages. The little ones remind me of my own when they were young.

I’m so far behind with visiting blogs that I completely missed seeing the post. Thanks to Jo from Let’s Art Journal for letting me know!


Hello and welcome to T stands for Tuesday…thought I should introduce myself…LOL…just foolin’…

I missed last week. The nasty cold/virus I had took me out of commission for anything outside of work and the most meager of household duties. Friday I wasn’t even able to work…I drove there walked into the building and realized that I just wasn’t going to be able to do it…turned around and went back home. Rest was what I needed….and a respite from the billions of germs that are on every surface at school. Blech.

I do have an art journal page to share. It’s been a work in progress for quite a while. 

I just love how it turned out. The image is from a circa 1970s calendar. So sweet.

Layering of bits of papers has been on my list of favorite techniques lately.

As well as staining and drippage using more liquid mediums.

My photo challenge has definitely been going better than last month.


 1) I am here  2) Yellow  3) On the floor
4) Plain 5) Stack  6) Happy Place


7) Bright 8) Splendid 9) Everyday moments
10) I like this  11) Me 12) Sweet

Notice the Vikings logo for 10: I like this. Yepper…life long Vikings fan, that’s me! The Vikings miracle in the last seconds victory last night isn’t likely on that many peoples radar (especially to my overseas friends) but I must say that I am still pinching myself. It feels a bit like a dream. Hopefully the Vikings can BRING IT HOME for the Superbowl! That would be amazing…home field advantage and all. We heard that JT(Justin Timberlake) is going to be partying at Paisley Park next week…maybe I’ll have a celebrity sighting in the next couple of weeks. Who knows?!? Of course it will have to warm up a bit to be able to see anyone braving the frigid temps. Using the snow blower to move snow today was insanely cold. Made much quicker work of the chore though.

What re you doing today?

I’m giving a new challenge a whirl today. Perhaps I’ll make a habit of it.

tiot1 copy (1)

Try it on Tuesday has the theme of Letters and Numbers for the first challenge of 2016.

Order in chaos | Halle's Hobbies

I will admit this is not my favorite page but it does reflect the chaos in my quote. I believe that I got carried away with the sprays. I should have stopped several squirts earlier.

Order in chaos | Halle's Hobbies

I was able to use up a bunch of number stickers that I thought would never get used.

I have another idea in mind…if it ever warms up enough to hang out in my basement art space.

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