Tag : vintage linens

3 posts

I have so many vintage linens squirreled away in boxes. It’s really a shame. Lately I’ve been thinking about purging some things especially things that no longer bring me joy. My trouble is that I have a hard time parting with some of these vintage pieces. I’m beginning my journey of letting go by cutting up the stained and tattered ones first because in reality…who’s going to want them other than me for sentimental value.

These pieces were just waiting for an opportunity to come together.

I’ve added the completed piece to enhance my laundry room decor.

I think perhaps this is a good first step in letting go by being able to hold onto a little piece…if that even makes sense.

Life. Family. Memories. Adventure.

The journey.

I was inspired to sit down to create this morning. I didn’t have a specific theme in mind but as I began to pull interesting pieces together I realized that I did have something in mind. Life is an adventure

Over the last two days I’ve exchange emails with cousins from both sides of my dad’s family. A genealogy message board connected them even though they aren’t related, but I am to both of them. My “new” cousin was looking for photos and info on her Grandpa…who was my Grandpa’s brother. I was able to provide her with a photo she’d never seen of 4 of the brothers.  As it turns out we live within 10 minutes of each other and plan to meet sometime after school is done. So cool!

Anyway…all this digging into the past. Thinking of stories told to me by my parents. Old photos. Genealogy. Family. Memories. All came together to inspire the page you see. Life is an adventure

vintage stamps and lace

Life is an adventure

Blue chip stamps and vintage trim

Life is an adventure

B&W photo and flower embellishmentLife is an adventure

All of these pieces coming together as a vintage inspired tribute to my ancestors. Their life was a great adventure. Life is an adventure

Ours is too. This is something I think we often forget through the drudgery of everyday life. Live your life…make it an adventure.


I’m linking up with Art Journal Journey for Recycle and Collage.

Art Journal Journey

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It has taken me quite some time to bring myself to cut into these beautifully stitched linens even though they were all either stained, ripped or tattered in some way. When I finally decided what they could become, I held my breath and took the first slice.

The process was very similar to the first time I ripped into a book or tore a photograph. Once you get the first one over with…the next come easier.

Now I have a few beautiful tissue cases all ready to go for gifts or my etsy store.

Of course, I still love patchwork…  I think I could stitch patchwork all day and never get sick of it…as long as there is no pattern I have to follow. I hate patterns. Saying that makes me wonder why I bought a pattern for a shirt the other day. Yeah, I know…what was I thinking?
I blame Pinterest. I saw this really cool make-over of a regular t-shirt into something stylish and girlie. We’ll see if I follow through on that one. Wish me luck!

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