Tag : washi tape

17 posts

This art journal page truly was a journal page…although after I spilled words all over the page in random thoughts I covered it up or at least obscured the writing enough as not to be read.  The words were just for me and once written they could be forgotten. A mind dump, if you will.

escape from memory art journal page

The page has so many layers…I went in with a thought and then took it too far…way to busy of background. I just kept at it until it felt right. I used a Pitt pen and white gesso to create the striped lines.

Washi tape has been a go-to supply lately. I like to tear it before applying to the page so it appears more random…spreading a bit of paint over the washi helps to push it into the background and make a more cohesive look.

escape from memory art journal page

My love affair with circles shines through on this page. I have saved caps from bottles and jars in a variety of sizes that I dip into paint for mark making. The imperfection of these marks is the beauty to me.

Linking up with Art Journal Journey.

Art Journal Journey

I had so much fun making this page! It didn’t go the way I planned…like at all but in reality I didn’t have much of a plan. I’m really enjoying blue and orange lately. I used gelatos over the top of a scrappy background that was glued down with ModPodge. I’m not a fan of this glue but I’m using what I have. The thing I do like is that once the surface is sealed with the ModPodge the gelatos move and blend so beautifully. That being said…if you don’t then seal them down with something they will just keep on moving and blending with subsequent layers. So I tried something…I used a foam brush and gently covered the page with another coat of the ModPodge. Shockingly it worked…other than the surface is a very plastic feel. Yet I pressed on.


I added black craft paint through a stencil then some washi tape. I ended up using the washi tape to cover some words I was originally planning to use. They fit in the beginning but by the end my thoughts had changed.


This sticker felt right and I couldn’t agree more. I added a bit of scribbling randomly around the page and a bit of journalling before calling this page a done deal.

Art Journal Journey

Linking up with Art Journal Journey today for the November theme of Collage….but no faces, wings or leaves are allowed. It’s funny how often those things are used in my collages…and I’m sure many others have that same issue. :)

While sorting through photographs I came across one of a Hen-n-Chick succulent that I snapped a couple of years ago. Actually, right about this same time of year. The colors were reflecting those of the great outdoors even though they were that color all year long.

everything has beauty art journal page

Now these succulents aren’t necessarily what one would consider “beautiful” in the classic sense. I do feel that they have a certain beauty especially in the mathematical sense. Or perhaps that would be more of a fractal. I’m not sure anymore other than I know that the pattern is pleasing to the eye.

Once again I have layers upon layers. I started with a piece of scrapbook paper this time. I kind of threw the proverbial “kitchen sink” at this one. I have book page, washi tape, salvaged cardboard that was run through my Cuttlebug, glimmer mists, leather, printed tag, paints, phrase sticker, staples and white pen…oh an let’s not forget the photograph.

My colors fit into the Autumn theme over at Art Journal Journey again. Did I mention I love Fall?!?

Art Journal Journey

I just went for it with this page.playful page

playful page quoteI didn’t think. I didn’t plan. I didn’t even put my apron on…which is a bummer because now I have orange paint on my pants. Did I mention I’m a messy painter?

The other day while walking OUT of the bank…which was the last stop of my errands…I discovered that I had a clump of gel medium or maybe mod podge gluing part of my bangs together.

Nice. So classy. Made me think of the “hair gel” scene from Something about Mary…  Perhaps I need to make a sign to hang on the door…”Look in the mirror before leaving the house.”  As you may have guessed I’m not a terribly vain or high maintenance kind of girl.

I’m linking up with Art Journal Journey with this post. My journal page fit their theme!  IT was meant to be!

I finally found my heART journal!!  So of course I had to play…play in the sun

materials used: gesso, gelatos, acrylic paint, washi tape, diamond netting as stencil, magazine image, clothing tag, butterfly(Michael’s), pre-printed quote, gold pigment ink pad and perfect pearls.

Another day of playing…well, not the whole day…not even close.


Today I worked my white journal. It’s getting pretty full. I’m definitely going to need to remove some more pages.


I’m continuing my love affair with pattern envelopes. The old images are simply wonderful.

I’ve also been going crazy with the washi tape. I finally got out my new dispenser…purchased last year about this time and hidden for Christmas…then forgotten. Nice. I got mine at Costco for WAY less $$ than Amazon has it listed.


I kept with the sewing theme and used a bit of a very old measuring tape as an accent. The sunburst was an unused piece from a graduation card that has been floating around on my desk for quite some time. Never throw anything away! No, don’t listen to me…things need to be tossed otherwise you’ll end up getting a dumpster or two next time you move.

I also broke out the dimensional paint for some texture and bling. I had it out for J to decorate a mask for school. They are reenacting the masquerade ball from Romeo and Juliet in his English class.

This color combo is one of my all time favorites. 20140830_6872The polka dots add a vintage feel to it.20140830_6874

I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment from this Dove wrapper.

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