Something kicked my creativity back into gear over the past few days. I’m really excited about that! Maybe it was the exercise….hey, that should motivate me to keep going on that as well :) But I digress…
I was in the art journal mood so I grabbed my kira-kira journal and slapped down a light coat of gesso. While digging out some washi tapes and other supplies…I dumped over my cup of wash water. UGH!! I had quite a bit of cleanup to do including changing my jeans…yep, dirty paint water all the way off the table on onto my leg.
Shockingly, I was still ready to create after cleaning up. Usually that would have soured me for the day.
The colors and patterns on this page remind of college. Likely because of the clothes I wore at the time. Leggings, black ankle boots, flannels in those colors. That look is back in its own modern way but I’m not sure that I could pull it off now being 20-something years older. Or that I should even try. ;)
After completing a few pesky household chores I was still feeling creative.
Wow…two journal entries in one day! This time I use my white journal. No particular reason…it just felt right. While mopping up the earlier spill I happened upon this fashion plate cut from a newspaper. I wanted to use on of the girls but after an exhaustive search I couldn’t find my “fussy cutting” scissors. I had to change my thoughts on where this was going.

Peeking out from a stack of stuff on my work desk I spotted a Basic Grey paper pad. I was drawn to some paper with small circles. Small circles you say? There are no small circles on this page. Yeah I know…but the cityscape paper was in the pad too. As soon as I saw it my mind went to the old Sci-Fi movie genre such as Attack of the 50 Foot Woman.
So there you have it…two very different pages created the same day by the same girl whose mind apparently took a sharp left part way through the day. :)