Tag : weaving

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Yesterday, while eating my lunch and perusing Pinterest, I spotted an image of branch weaving. I was so intrigued that I searched for more weaving projects. Not commercial, straight laced, follow a pattern type but nice flowing, organic weaving.  I really fell down the rabbit hole on this one. I had singular focus…must weave!

I came up with a plan to use the deckle part of my papermaking mold as a frame for a loom.  Thank goodness Mr. G had made me a really good quality piece from hardwood.

I strung it with kitchen string and set to work. Of course, I never read any instructions only to realize much later that I didn’t do the stringing properly.


Oh well…cross that bridge when we get there right?


I sat with my makeshift loom on my lap and winged it as I always seem to do.


This was how it looked when I was ready to remove it from the frame. weaving3

And the finished product…  I went and broke a branch off our crabapple tree then scraped it down a bit with a utility knife. I would have preferred driftwood but that is pretty hard to come by in January in Minnesota. Everything is frozen solid.


The colors made me think of the sea so adding shells and sea glass was the logical choice.


I can’t wait to start my next one!! At least I found another use for all the yarn I’ve been collecting lately.

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