Tag : wine corks

3 posts


Since it’s April and this month is Earth Month I thought I’d share a second look at a bit of upcycling from a few years ago.


Oct 6, 2013

Upcycling Projects


We all know how to recycle and I’m sure most do it daily. Newspapers, cardboard, glass and plastic are all readily recyclable in most cities, at least across the USA.

This is wonderful! But I’ve been really focused on upcycling lately.  Finding a new use for something that would ordinarily be tossed out.  Wine corks, bottle caps, worn out clothing, stained linens, broken plates…you get the idea.treesI showed a sneak peek of these a while ago. I made a wine cork tree last year but this time I decided to change things a bit. I used a Champagne cork cut in half for the trunk.  I think they turned out really cute.


I’ve also been using some scraps from previous projects such as the denim remaining after completing a quilt or two.  As well as the remainder of the dress shirts that I made wine bottle gift bags from.


In addition I’ve been making a bunch more cards. I’ll show more of these last two projects at a later date. The cards have much less upcycling in it’s truest sense but I am still attempting to include elements that might otherwise be considered unusable such as tiny scraps of fabric and yarn. As well as photo trimmings. I have a cigar box full of photo trimmings…they have such vibrant colors that it’s a shame to toss them out.

It doesn’t have to be Earth Day to be a little “green”. Do a little more every day to be kind to our planet. Last time I checked…it’s the only one we have. :)


If you’d like to see more recycling and upcycling projects please use the tag cloud on my sidebar.

If you’ve read my blog much, you know that I’m all over the place when it comes to arts and crafts.  So for today’s T stands for Tuesday post, hosted by Elizabeth, you’re going to go on a whirlwind ride with me. What is scary is that I’ll be showing you how my brain works. You may not want to know.

Before we get started I have to say THANK YOU for all the birthday wishes for my mom. We had a nice day out together.

early morning coffeeThis morning started at 5:30am as usual. By 5:45, coffee is made and the first of 3 lunches are packed. I have 5 mins left before I wake Big J to start his morning routine. Now fast forward about 2.5 hours and I have the house to myself.  Well, Gracie is still here but she’s having a sleepover with her friends.

So what do I do with my time beyond the list that never seems to end?

cork crazy

For one, I play with corks. These are going to be a new item on my table at the an up coming craft sale.

senior pictures

I’ve been editing senior pictures for the neighbor.

bunker front

battle damage

I finished the miniature terrain pieces I’ve been working on, complete with with simulated battle damage. Did I not tell you that you might be frightened of how my mind works?

upcycled shirt

And what’s this? A pile of rags? Nope…you’ll find out about that one in a later post.

And now I must move on with my crazy day…filled with paperwork, friends, knitting, groceries, ortho appt. and lets not forget the ever growing list.

I also wanted to mention especially to my fellow T stands for Tuesday friends that I am no longer able to answer each of your comments as I had in the past. I just don’t have the time but I wanted you to know that I read and enjoy every single word.

I may be late visiting your blog but I’ll get there ladies!

What are you doing today?


A few weeks ago at a craft show, I saw a woman selling wine cork Christmas trees.
I thought…”hey, I have corks…I could make that!”
I changed things up a bit to make it more “mine” and love the result.
I’m thinking I have the start of a tree collection when paired with my Dr. Suess tree.

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