Tag : WOTY 2024

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Happy New Year!!

With the end of 2023, I am looking back at the word I chose for last year.

I refreshed my new sewing space in J’s old bedroom. (It’s currently a bit of a disaster but that happens.)

We refreshed our deck and front steps…two projects that have needed to be done for several years.

I refreshed my commitment to a more healthy lifestyle; walking more, mindful not mindless eating, stretching and taking my vitamins. This became especially important to me once I got my cancer diagnosis.

All in all I think I did pretty well with refreshing things in my life.

2024 Word of the Year

I have thought about using this word a few times over the years but this year it really spoke to me. I actually learned how brave I could be last year when I heard Lymphoma and radiation treatment. My health is looking good but I will bravely face whatever life may throw at me next.

While talking with my BFF this morning she brought up how sometimes in life you have to endure hard things to grow. It’s funny that she had said this at that very moment. One of the definitions of BRAVE is to endure or face unpleasant things without fear.

More than a dozen years ago, I was brave enough to start a blog, putting myself out there artistically. Brave enough to send in my art to publications for review. Brave enough to write articles for magazines. I feel like I have forgotten how to be brave creatively. This is yet another reason for choosing brave.

I’m also going to be brave and accept the challenge to “walk the year” meaning I am going to walk 2024 miles this year. I didn’t do the official sign-up since I don’t think I need to pay a fee to get an app and t-shirt. I have my Fitbit to keep track.

This is where I am at at the start of my challenge. To meet my challenge I need to hit 12365.36 miles by the end of 2024.

Do you have a word of the year? A motto? Even a resolution? I’d love to hear about it.

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