Tag : WOTY

18 posts

New year…new word.


Last year I used Balance as my word of the year.  I feel I achieved Balance in some areas but others completely toppled over to one side.

That is why I’ve selected Focus as my word of the year.  I want to Focus on the important things. Focus is necessary for success; reaching that goal. No matter what that goal may be. It’s different for all of us.

balanceI’ve choosen the word Balance for this year.

Last year I used Simplify…I’m not sure that I really lived up to that one. In fact I’m pretty sure I made things more complicated for myself. That is why Balance is needed.

Did you choose a word for the year? Or make resolutions? I’d love to hear about them…

First of all….
Hope you all had a wonderful New years eve!!
Best wishes to all in 2013.
I have decided to pick a word for the year once again.
This year I have chosen  “Simplify” .
I’ll use this word as a guide in the year to come.
Thank you so much for continuing to read and follow my blog.

I decided on my word for the year…
Drum roll please….  **REDUCE**
This one word will play many roles throughout the year.
  • I’d like to reduce the chemical load in our home even more.
  • Reduce the amount of stuff in our home.
  • I’m going to reduce the amount of purchases we make so that will reduce our monthly bills.
  • Continuing to reduce my waistline and other parts is super high on my list.
  • By making bulk purchases, being aware of packaging and buying local, I will reduce the impact we have on the environment.
  • I want to reduce the amount of trash we produce even more this year.
  • I’m going to reduce the vast quantity of art supplies I have stashed by being creative more often.
I wish you the best in 2012!

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