Time…there is never enough

Last updated : April 10, 2016

As Labor Day approaches, so does the start of school. We are attempting to ring out every last bit of enjoyment and family time as possible in addition to orientations, job hunting, checkups, back to school shopping and the rest of the usual business. We’ve been creating memories…not art.

Although I did do a little bit of art journalling this week. I was catching up on laundry from a weekend away had me in my art space quite a bit.20140822_6829

My heART journal seemed to need some attention.  I’m still at the bright tones of summer but I’m sure soon I’ll shift along with the season. I’ve already seen several maple trees turning and dropping leaves. 20140822_6830

The little scrap about the mystery of time seemed to fit my thoughts of late… It’s funny how time is a constant but depending on the situation it can feel as if the hands on the clock are slowing down or traveling at warp speed.

3 Thoughts on Time…there is never enough
    ~*~Patty Szymkowicz Magpie's Nest
    23 Aug 2014

    So true about elusive time…time warps and time flying! Enjoy * Enjoy these last days before school is in full swing again. Great heart pages you have there Halle! I have a heart shaped journal here somewhere and am always on the lookout for another one (picked mine up on sale at an art museum gift shop in Baltimore). Happy rest of the weekend to you and yours oxo

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    23 Aug 2014

    I was helping Sally by cleaning on her kitchen today. I cleaned under her sink and one side of the sink where all the cleaning products had been stacked up (as an aside, using them would have been preferable, but . . .). I walked into the living room where Sally was sitting and I was shocked I had spent nearly THREE hours on what should have been a simple task. When I said something about how long it took, she said that was why she never looked at the clock because she didn’t want to know how long it took to go through one of her boxes she’s trying to clean and clear. So time was definitely distorted for me today. Glad you are able to use it (at least partly) t0 your advantage. Enjoy the last days of summer as I enjoy these pages in your AB.

    Cindy McMath
    24 Aug 2014

    Fabulous colours and I can so relate to how time seems to go so slowly at times, but sooo fast at others. I mean here I am on Sunday and its almost time to go back to work Monday – where did my weekend go? I love what you are doing to this heart-shaped book and it inspires me to go get some of my shaped books out…when I have time. :)

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