Over the past few years I’ve started collecting Christmas trees. Mostly because I keep making a new kind each year but I’m not opposed to buying one at a thrift store or garage sale if it really speaks to me.
This year I was inspired by Mini-me. She had to film a tutorial for her technology class. Her group of three girls each picked a different Christmas craft and bought enough material for the three of them to each create their own. She was inspired by this tree.
Her version used smaller pieces of cardstock. It got very tedious for her towards the end of both punching all the scallops and hot gluing them to the paper cone. It was her punching all those pieces that had Mr. G prompting me to try my Silhouette machine again.
Speaking of paper cones…I made the cones from poster board after first seeing the price of a craft store foam version and then realizing that the foam would melt with hot glue. Glad I thought that one through before starting!!
This tree came together really quickly.
This vintage trim was in the bottom of my sewing box likely bought for some project my mom had intended to make in the 1970’s. At least it’s getting used now!
Isn’t it sweet. I had the tiny glass ornaments in my stash as well. All it needed was a topper. I auditioned several ideas but finally decided a star was in order.
I drew a star on a piece of paper so I’d have a guide to do my bending. I used a twisted piece of 22 gauge wire. I had to “tie” the star at the crossover points “barbwire style” for stability.
The second tree (well technically it was the first one) was yarn wrapped.
I used a leftover partial skein of acrylic yarn for this one. Again I had some tiny trims in my stash to give the tree a finished look.
Nothing I love more than to use stash items! No cost…no trip to the store…AWESOME!
My humble little collection in our game area of the family room. You may be able to see both my Suess tree and cork tree. Additionally you also may be able to see the recycled Christmas card balls I made last year and the 12 days of Christmas swap book from several years ago adorning the table.
OK, I’m not only in AWE, I’m also jealous. I want to be like you when I grow up. OR, I want to make trees like those, too!
One quick question: will 110 lb card stock work instead of poster board, which I don’t have? And did you use glue or tape to hold the poster board together (to form it into a tree)?
I’d assume 110lb card stock would work as well. It just needs to be sturdy enough to hold the shape and whatever you are adhering to it without buckling. I used tape on the ones for Mini-me as she was going to be covering with hot glue everywhere. The ones for my trees, I used hot glue in a couple places…top and bottom. I used a rectangular piece of poster board so after rolling into a cone and gluing I had to cut off the extra paper to form a flat base.
Hope that answers answers your questions. :)
I like the idea of a tree collection since you can have both hand-made ones and bought ones of different sizes. I have a few but never thought of developing a collection of them. Yours look so festive!
adorable collection of trees! love it!