Wee Bit Wednesday

Last updated : February 28, 2016

{one} do you watch the history channel? if so, what’s your favorite program?

Yes… we watch American Pickers and Pawn Stars as well as historical documentaries.

{two} what is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?

Make art, sew. crochet…play games with the family if they’re home.


{three} what does your dream house look like?

Log House that feels secluded but is still close to all my errands.

{four} what state were you born in?


{five} do you have a change jar? if so, what do you use it for when it gets full?

Yep…we have a growler and I hope to use the $ for a vacation.

{six} what’s the first website you look at when you get on the computer?

My gmail, then Accuweather.

{seven} what is your favorite breakfast?

Eggs over-easy with toast and hash browns.

{eight} what’s the most memorable trip you’ve ever taken?

That’s hard…  

As a parent…last summer to Wisconsin Dells…loved making those memories with them.

As an adult…hubby and I went to through the Badlands and Black Hills of South Dakota.

As a kid…a fly-in fishing trip in Canada for a week.

{nine} do you prefer your coffee black or with cream/milk/sugar?

I drink it black but I would prefer to have creamer in it but my waistline disagrees.

{ten} have you ever done a professional photo shoot?

Senior pictures, if that counts


My mom took me to Glamor Shots when I was 18 or 19. 

Hubby still has one of those photos in his office.

6 Thoughts on Wee Bit Wednesday
    18 May 2011

    American Pickers and Pawn Stars are very popular answers. I may have to check them out! (My son watches Pawn Stars)

    Here’s my wee bit

    Robin Lynn
    18 May 2011

    Your vacations sound memorable and fun! I didn’t go back into my past as a kid but we had some good across-country adventures, and I learned fly-fishing from my Dad in the mountain streams of Idaho – good times! Your site is really great – I admire your excellent craftiness! Beautiful.

    18 May 2011

    fun to read your Wee Bit Wednesday!! sewing in a log house sounds dreamy!! Mx

    Greer's Gossip
    18 May 2011

    hahah, I love that your hubby still has a glamour shot picture of you in his office! Too cute!!

    18 May 2011

    Awesome blog! Love that you got glamour shots done – that must have been so much fun! And that breakfast sounds delicious!

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